As Christians we know that God the Holy Spirit continues to be sent out into the world, working through each of us for the sake of the world. We are called to see God’s activity in the world and tell others what we see and hear. Below you will find stories (a.k.a. “sightings”) where we have seen God at work through our eyes and ears.
If you would like to submit your “Living our Faith sightings” with others and share where you have seen God active in the world click here.
Living Faith Sighting – As Seen By Pat Walker #2
Two years ago my friend Steve, who lives in Manchester-Woodhouse, England, came to visit us. During the course of his visit, he came to church with us on Sunday. As with any new visitor, he was welcomed with open arms. After church he said to us “ In my 47 years, I have never felt more loved or had so many hugs, all in one day.”
Steve had been diagnosed with Leukemia several years before his visit, but was in remission and feeling strong and able to travel. Happily he had been feeling well for quite some time. Last Friday, Good Friday, we had our usual every other week Skype visit. He informed me that he had had a relapse and was home resting after receiving his radiation treatment. I could tell he was feeling tired. He then said, as he was resting, that he was thinking about us, our church and Pastor Maryanne. He felt the need to connect, so he went on YouTube and searched to find her. He said he found a series of short sermons and also a piece on our Sanctuary4Kids shower! He said he felt so much better after seeing and listening to her! I didn’t even know she was on YouTube!
Our Living Faith church, Pastor Maryanne and the Holy Spirit has touched the heart of my friend across the ocean, and has brought him comfort and peace!
I certainly call that a Living Faith Sighting.
Living Faith Sightings – Christ’s Hands and Feet in Wisconsin
Pat Walker #2 shares this Living Faith Sighting of Christ’s Hands and Feet in Wisconsin:
My daughter (a charter member) lives in Hudson, Wisconsin and teaches in a middle school during the school year. During the summer, she teaches summer school to learning challenged children, plus works part time at a local Hallmark store.
The other day she called and said “ Mom, do you realize that 95% of the people who come into our store are thinking and shopping for someone else?” She said that they are either celebrating, supporting, or grieving for or with friends, neighbors, family members or colleagues.In the course of a work day, she said that she listens to amazing stories of love and hope. They cry together, she gives hugs, or they laugh together every single day day. Babies are baptized, grandchildren are confirmed. Weddings and anniversaries are celebrated as are new homes, new jobs and new puppies. She hears touching stories of grief, loss of friends, parents, miscarriage, and pets.
This constant reminder of the unselfish caring and love of these shoppers reinforces for her that we are doing just what Jesus told us to do; to love him, and love each other. For me, I have a new appreciation for Hallmark stores and those who frequent them, for they are examples of Christ’s hands and feet.
Living Faith Sighting
I (Pastor Maryanne) was just finishing up my evening walk around the neighborhood when I came upon a lemonade stand all set up in front of my neighbor’s home. As I walked up to the stand, I was invited to purchase a glass of lemonade for just $1. When I asked about the flavors, I was told that I had 3 flavors to choose from: Homemade Pink Lemonade; Classic Lemonade and Strawberry Lemonade. I chose the Homemade Pink Lemonade. Then I was told all about how the proceeds from the sale were going to be used for a good cause. I asked about the “good cause” and I was told that the money raised was going to be used to build a church in the community. I got excited and asked about where the church was going to be built and this sweet girl pointed down the street and said right down the street and across the lake on the other side. She told me there was nothing on that land right now but that was where the church was going to be built and she was going to help make it happen. I took off my baseball cap, smiled and said hi to this sweet girl who had come to worship at Living Faith for the first time along with her brother and her mother on that previous Sunday. She recognized me and was very excited. I told her that she was doing a wonderful job in helping to raise money for the building of Living Faith Church. As I walked home, drinking my very delicious Homemade Pink Lemonade, I began to cry as I rejoiced in the work of the Holy Spirit right in front of my eyes. By the way – there was a coupon given for 15 cents off the next purchase. This child of God understands that ministry is ongoing and not a one time experience!!
Living Our Faith Sighting
Sometimes we do not need to look very far to see God working through the people of Living Faith. Sometimes we don’t even have to leave the building to see God working through the people at Living Faith. Two weeks ago, it was a joy for me (Pastor Maryanne) to watch all of you living your faith together in worship and in fellowship. On that morning of July 16th, many of you gathered together early to prepare for worship, while others prepared the space for our post-worship fellowship time. More of you gathered as we came together to worship our Lord, Jesus Christ, hear God’s word of promise for us on that day, see God’s word of grace poured out upon Kailee Morgan Burkleo at her baptism, and taste God’s word of forgiveness in the Lord’s Supper. On that morning, we prayed over, blessed and bid farewell to Jerry and Maureen Ferrara as they prepared to head north to Illinois to begin a new chapter in their life together. We kicked off our July fellowship activity – Chili-Cookoff – with the deliciously diverse tastes of chili, corn bread, and various desserts. After our meal together we painted rocks for the PSL Rocks initiative, and then played games together. Everyone then pitched in to cleanup! It was fun to see people squishing their chairs together at a table to make room for new faces. It was wonderful to watch young and old painting rocks side-by-side and playing games together. It was particularly inspiring to watch the inter-generational game of “basketball”. I hope that you too not only saw but also experienced your faith being lived out with each other that morning through worship, work and play. Relationships and connections in Christ that bring life and love – that is how we live our faith together.
Living Our Faith Sighting
Many of you know the Myers family – Ken, Laura, Ethan, Aiden and Cassidy. This family has been a part of Living Faith for the past 2 + years, and we have had a chance to watch Ethan, Aiden and Cassidy grow in their faith and trust in God. We have watched as Cassidy was carried up to the children’s sermon by her mom and brothers. Then once Cassidy was able to crawl, she would crawl up for the children’s sermon following her brothers as they came forward. We heard Cassidy say her first word which was “AMEN!” and now we get to watch Cassidy as she walks up for the children’s sermon on her own and carries the offering basket forward with her brother Ethan.
Laura and Ken are teaching Cassidy faith practices at home which includes prayers before meals and at bedtime. Laura shares this awesome Living Faith sighting:
Yesterday afternoon Cassidy was playing pretend with one of her Minnie Mouse figures and she was pretending that Minnie was going to take a nap. She had a little blanket on her and started to recite the prayer we say before going to sleep or nap…
“Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Dear God, please help me fall asleep, and keep my family and friends happy and healthy. Amen”
Minnie even said Amen at the end just like Cassidy does.
Cassidy is living and growing in her faith (her trust) in God who is always faithful to her!
Living our Faith sighting at the Bridge Christian Outreach
The first, second and fourth Fridays of every month I see the presence of the Holy Spirit among God’s children who gather together to distribute and receive assistance for those who are food insecure. While those who gather have different needs, the one thing that all have in common is that they are children of our very generous God. This week I watched as members of Living Faith – Jeannie Boyle, Carl Kehlenbach, Nancy Prince, Denise Walker (aka – Diaper Lady), and Pat Walker worked side by side with members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, TC3, and volunteers from the many churches throughout Martin and St. Lucie Counties. It is a wonderful ecumenical experience for all involved.
More important than the food is the relationship building that was taking place. The God moments when hugs were given, hands were lifted in joy, thanksgiving and praises were given to God in Jesus Christ. Stories were shared, laughter rang out, prayers were said and tears were shed. The group that gathers faithfully on the three Fridays each month carries each others burdens. Each person is intertwined together in the body of Christ. This is a group who is living out their faith in a generous God who provides for us each and every day. This is a group who will hear of a special need (other than food) and make sure that it is fulfilled – whether it is a need for clothing, special size adult briefs, or toiletries. Come and be a part of this ministry of service – and you too will see and experience the presence of the Living Christ.
Living our Faith sighting at St. Mary’s Hospital
On Friday, I (Pastor Maryanne) had the privilege of meeting the youngest and most vulnerable of God’s children. I had a chance to accompany Erynne Herzog as she delivered the special “summer and holiday” created hats, and hearts to the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit at St. Mary’s Hospital in West Palm Beach. These special items were created by members of Living Faith, as well as folks from Florida and out of state. On our way to St. Mary’s, Erynne shared with me how this ministry came about and how God began to use her as God’s instrument of compassion and love (my words, not hers).
When we arrived at St. Mary’s the head of the NICU unit – Eileen – was thrilled to see Erynne and she welcomed both of us with open arms and hugs. Eileen was beaming from ear to ear as Erynne showed her all the unique beanie caps for these little babies. Then we headed into the NICU where 43 premature infants were being loving cared for by the nursing staff. We had a chance to meet the parents of two patients and the special “cupcake caps” that Erynne created were given to them as a gift for their little boy and girl. These little ones were just a few days old. The Holy Spirit was clearly present in and through all the care-givers, parents and babies in that place. As we left, I watched as Erynne smiled and shed a tear. Compassion, love and action – that is how Erynne embodies Christ, lives out her faith and invites others to join in this special ministry. Together, we are indeed Christ’s Hands and Feet.
Living our Faith sighting at Loving Hands Ministry
Our Loving Hands Ministry met on Monday evening to continue the work they are doing for those who are in crisis in our community. Lapghans are being made and given to patients and their families who are under the care of the Treasure Coast Hospice. Little Beanie Caps are being created and given to God’s newest little children who are under the care of doctors and nurses in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Units at St. Mary’s Hospital in West Palm Beach, Tradition Medical Center and Martin Memorial North Hospital. This week, Pastor Maryanne was visiting a patient at the Harper Hospice House and saw one of the lapghans laid out on the couch for the patient. Most patients don’t know that these lapghans have been made by our Loving Hands Ministry. What they do know is that these lapghans have been lovingly designed and created for them at their greatest time of need. What they do know is that when they wrap themselves in the lapghan, they are wrapped in the prayers of God’s people who had prayed for them. What they do know and feel is the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. What they come to know and feel is God’s grace poured out upon them. This is just one way we live out our faith as people of Living Faith – creating tangible gifts of love, prayer, hope and peace for God’s children in their hour of need.